Courses according to the Martenot pedagogy
"By teaching art, promote personal development" Ginette Martenot

This pedagogy is aimed at all ages and gives everyone the maximum chance to advance through progressive learning. Corrections are made in a constructive manner, always focused on progress. Small numbers allow to respect the spontaneity of the gesture and the rhythm of each one in order to promote the expression of creativity, in a relaxed atmosphere.
Many techniques are experienced and deepened throughout the progression : crayon, charcoal, inks, oil, acrylic, pastel, gouache, watercolor, etc.

The workshop is led by Sybille Mathiaud. Several time slots are possible.

11:00 > 13:00 adult / Martenot course
17:00 > 18:30 child / Martenot course
19:00 > 21:00 adult / Martenot course

15:00 > 16:30 child / Martenot course
16:30 > 18:00 child / cours spécial animaux

Reprise des cours : le lundi 23 September 2019

TARIFS (equipment included)
The right to vote (1 times a year): 10 €

Trial course: 20 €
Registration for the term
Child course (1h30) 18,50 € per lesson

Adult course (2h00) 26,50 € per lesson

L’année 2019 - 2020 comprend entre 32 and 34 Classes (selon les jours fériés)
· 1er trimestre > 11 to 12 Classes
· 2e trimestre > 12 Classes
· 3e trimestre > 9 to 10 Classes

> Group between 4 and 10 pupils
> Important: les cours hebdomadaires nécessitent une présence régulière afin de pouvoir suivre la pédagogie de manière bénéfique. Any missed sessions can be made up during the course of another group, dans la mesure des places disponibles.

· Thematic training course drawing / painting / collage etc. through the seasons
Creative writing internship / drawing-painting
Animation d’anniversaire
Atelier Famille: DUO adult / child: un atelier pour passer un moment privilégié avec votre enfant et vivre des temps de partage et de complicité. Se découvrir différemment dans la création et dans un nouvel environnement.

Child from 4 ans.

Sybille Mathiaud

0476 70 20 64

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